No running ! Weee! Woke up early anyway as Li Yen decided to do a photo shoot session by the beach today. Of course I wasn't the model. ( Too ugly to be one) Yoon Yan was the model while Teng Sun was the co-photographer [suppose to be Li Yen's documentary person ]. Chin became the make up artist. Me ???! Well just the helper around...Li Yen appointed me to become the hairdresser for Yoon Yan initially but I chicken out. Unless Yoon Yan decided to turn into witch then..perhaps I will volunteer! Tsk Tsk..Click Click Click! The photo shoot began.. after about 30 mins came this guy with a horse. He looked so friendly and offered to snap the pics for us with the horse. Keep asking us to give the camera to him so he can help us to take.*FISHY*. Yoon Yan spent quite sometime posing with the horse, next was Chin and myself. Felt a bit reluctant at first...and thought he is such a nice guy and haven't sat on a horse for ages thus told my myself..HECK why not try it! Took a couple of shots. Next was Teng Sun and Li Yen. FINALLY the black side reveals! He asked us for payment. At first he wanted to charge us like RM40/head. Was hilarious seeing Yoon Yan sitting on the chair with sunglasses trying to reduce the price with him. Got it reduced to RM20 per person if not mistaken. BLOOD SUCKER! Anyway all in all it was quite a fun experience. BLARGH!

Pre session :) Getting ready for the photo shoot session...

Photographer in action - Li Yen

Everyone has their turn on the horse..

Random pictures...
Adjourned for
BREAKFAST next... went to Toh Soon Cafe. Situated at one of the side street at Campbell Street. This place served only toast bread [varieties type of bread - wholemeal bread, low calories bread, coffee bread, chocolate marble cake and Hainan bread] and half boiled eggs. Being a small cafe [not exactly a cafe - a shop made alongside of a side lane with around 10 tables] its popular in the morning. Business is good! What I loved of this place is because they still use the traditional way of toasting their bread. They toast their bread in a fire pot with charcoal. Due to this, its hard for them to do mass production of the toast bread. [You need a
little patient for the bread and even the half boiled eggs to be served - if you're hungry you can eat the "nasi lemak" packed ready and served on the table] Don't miss out on their coffee. Though I'm not a coffee person, normally I will order Milo-0, I tried their coffee today and it was rich in taste. [good for my liking].
Coffee...roti bakar..half boiled eggs....
Apparently the coffee here was recommended in the STAR newspaper as well
"In Penang, the Toh Soon Cafe on Campbell Road is popular for its coffee, which is kaw or thick, and milky, which they say can keep you up and running for at least half a day before the next fix." - extracted from Addictive Brew- Sunday Metro 03/09/08
Finally after a few visit to this place, today I finally took pictures of the bread and half boiled eggs [grin]. Guess every time I was too eager to eat them and only realized it when I was already 3/4 finishing them. Besides toast bread, they also serve steam bread [bread placed over the same pot they toast the bread but instead using the steamed from the hot water]. We chat for a bit before Teng Sun drove us back. Spend the rest of the afternoon bumping around before dragon boat practice in the afternoon.
Hey i love the post, i like how you present the Sat event in your blog! Gosh i didn't know my stance was so "kung Fu" like man!
No Ribbit you are not too ugly to be a model!!! WHO SAID YOU THAT YOU ARE?! i will kung fu kick him/ her to death!!!! I have something in mind for you actually:) It's up to you to decide. When i shoot TWEETY you will know what i mean, it's something similar. AND PLEASE, you have nice eyes! You are not ugly! When you put on make up you are actually very hot! Remember Lady Lynnata?! :)
See ya tonight!
Liyen, yes! That is exactly what I told Lynn. Looks like she doesn't trust our comments as friends. Sniff... :(
Yesyesyes! Next time Lynn shall do my hairrrrrrr, not for photo shoot but for partaaayyysss...Aiyo, Lynn, u looked gorgeous as Lynnata, really. We should really dress u up and take pics. And u all still have energy for hectic activities in the afternoon ah? I went home, slept from 4-7pm muahahaha...
Ribbit!!! Why don't you trust me?! Tweety and I and Montana( I assume this is my model speaking, why MONTANA lar?! You like Hannah Montana?!) think you are actually nice looking!
Tweety, we have a mission to make Ribbit over!Some how, i feel that putting Ribbit together with Lai Man for a photoshoot is a good idea too!!!
~ Li Yen
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