Solo Training

Since I am not able to join my running group to run tomorrow as I will still be at the Relay for Life event walking, I decided to do run today. Chin is still in Phuket and I didn't want to do a long run over at my place after the bad experience of mom's car being force opened at the park.[Those damn thieves!], decided to go over Penang to run. Was not feeling well yesterday, so I was doubt if I could run today. Did tell my mum that I wanted to run this morning, at 5.50am, mom came into my room to wake me up [so sweet! not so nice on the other hand because I couldn't find an excuse of not waking up :P] Drank a cup of drink and then went over to Penang. By the time I reached the clock tower [my starting point] it was already 6.30am. Warm myself up and ran. Legs had been pretty sore for the past few days. Thanks to the fartleks training on Wednesday with the dragon boat team mates I think. Pushed tad bit too much. Started with a slow warm up. I felt pretty alright when I reached Gurney Drive though I could feel that I wasn't going on my normal half marathon pace. My legs just couldn't push...was kind of frustated. Anyway tried not to stop until I reach the mosque. I managed to reach the floating mouse in about 1 hour [legs starts to hurt a little]Pushed myself not to stop but then my body and legs couldn't stand it anymore, decided to stop for water and ate my Luna gummy[yucks...taste awful- I guess I will keep to my jelly beans in future] Continued on running after that, tried to sustained running. Guessed when I hit around 19.5km I couldn't push any more, decided to walk. My legs felt like they are loaded with lead. GOSH. Tried to do walk run walk. Not sure how long in total I walked. Perhaps 2 km . If only someone stopped and sent me back to my car..I would be very happy...Hahahha... Completed my run in 2:29 [bad time for a 22.85km [as plot on google map ] Not sure if I can do a sub 2 if I continue running like that...sniff. Felt like my running had went back to square one. How disappointing...