Run 25k?!?

Tsen suggested we hit 25km this weekend for our long run. Since they are training for KL International Marathon, this is the distance they are supposed to be hitting now. Lynn, Kenneth and I won't be running that marathon. Our marathon will be the Sundown Marathon in Singapore in May.

Route: Rasa Sayang Hotel to Teluk Bahang dam (x2)
Target distance: 25km

I was pretty reluctant to run 25km as our longest distance has been 18km so far. I was worried that a 7km increase might break something. I still recalled the horrors of my first ever attempt for a 25k at Balik Pulau. It brings back bad memories and that distance still terrifies me until today. I told myself I was going to try, no matter what to push as best as I could. So I told myself, try to hit 25km.

Wei Chern announced that he will only do one loop as he was not feeling well. His brother Wei Khoon, a 70.3 triathlete and former winner of the Penang bridge half marathon joined us.

As I started my climb up to the dam, my legs started to slowly give up. I knew it was impossible to continue a 25km. It was going to be a stretch to get to 17km. If I had wanted to do a 25km I should have ran it at my own pace. Starting at Wei Chern pace drained me. When I descended from the dam, I made my mind up to run a really hard 17km because I knew I would hurt myself badly if I attempted a 25k.

Time: 1:34:00

Average pace: 5:32 min/km

Detailed Map Here
