From then on I decided to take a break and to see if it would get better. Meanwhile, I saw an orthopaedic surgeon who naturally advised me to stop running. However, against his advice, at the end of that week I ran the Penang Earth Day run. It was a spectacularly bad run for me and the knee didn't hold up too well even though it was only 9km.
I decided to take another week of break but on that Sunday I would run Bidor Half Marathon. I kept it slow and easy at the start but after the 10km mark, my ankle hurt and my knee started to feel pain. I kept it up and finished the race as best as I could.
I was back the my doctor's office post-Bidor. This time I was put through a MRI on my right knee and a full length x-ray. The medial meniscus had some microscopic tears and in the process of healing there was some thickening of the soft tissue. I was advised to be off running completely and sent to physio. My injury became a source of concern for the WWW especially my friends, Siew Swan and Guan Choon. Thank you my dear friends for your unflailing support and concern.
I had a good physiotherapist who helped me massage my soft tissue and analyze my running gait. According to her my knees seem to knock together when I ran. She asked me why I ran with my toes pointing forward. I told it was because I was trying to run with my forefoot (Chi Running style). We arrived at the source of my injury which was a combination of forefoot running, slight bow-leggedness and a tendency to mildly pronate on my right leg. Due to my bow-leggedness when I land on my forefoot, the high impact would be on the top left hand corner of my foot. Couple that with the inward pronation would send the force right up to my meniscus.
Let me share that being out on injury is tough. I spend the 1st week away from running being utterly miserable. I spend the 2nd week hitting the gym and doing circuit training. Reminded me of the good 'ol dragonboat days. It was this week that Lynn came back to Penang and very kindly and patiently taught me how to swim the forward crawl. I have been hitting the pool as much as 3 times a week now to practise. Swimming is a tough activity for me to do because I'm not a strong swimmer and the thought of swimming is daunting. I fear with each stroke that I am just going to sink. Nevertheless, since swimming is the only thing I can do. I now spend an hour in the pool splashing about. Embarrassing!
I hope this injury will make me a wiser runner. I hope I will not follow new running theories blindly but I will strive to find my own sweet spot. I hope I will know how to distinguish soreness from pain. I hope I know how to take a break before it is too late. Ultimately, I hope to emerge out of this situation a stronger runner. All this rest can't be all that bad. I will only need to walk my next race after 2km, that's all!
In any case, I have something to look forward to upon my return from injury. A brand new pair of Asics Gel Kayano 15 from US. Thank you Kevin for carrying it back for me.

Good to know that you have learn so much during these hard times. Not only you have become a wiser and stronger runner, you will be a more experience one too. Till your next run, rest well and take care.
Oh... Those are really nice shoes. *hint hint* :p
Get well soon Tweet!
chin2, i'd not being runing for almost 3months!!! I really feel bad... :(
just went to see an orthopaedic and started my physio session. Hope it will help to cure my injury and i will be able to join the WWW to run soon!!
Hope you, Lynn and me get well soon!!
when i go to doctor for knee pain, usually they will ask me to stop running & hiking...they say it's not good to the knees...
they're advise would be SWIMMING, sigh :(
p/s: i got 'condom' as the verification word to leave this comment
Hi Tweet!
So glad to have come across your blog. Really nice to see a fellow lady runner. Have you seen you a couple of times in many runs so I guess I must say hi!
I totally understand the injury part as I myself am always floored by injuries whole year through. Kinda fed up with this feeling but this is our body telling us to slow down and take a chill pill sometimes. Resting is also part of training and we must always listen to our bodies no matter how much we want to just get out there to run our hearts out!
You and Ribbit are awesome..real powerwomen!
Say hi to you in the next run!
Check out my blog too at
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