Powerman 2009

Ribbit and I did our first ever DU on Sunday at Powerman 2009. It was a really fun albeit torturous experience. Congrats to my partner in crime for a super 5th placing!
Hooray for all THG members for were fabulous race company this weekend. Thumbs up to all the fabulous WWW folks - Sun Nee (2nd place), Mee Lan, Sarah, Oy Leen, Eric, Andre, Hooi Fang who all did superbly! Sarah, Oy Leen and Eric were part of Team Airborne who place 2nd in the mixed relay category.
Myself, managed to pull into a top ten finish and place 10th. Not much to shout about.Here are lots of pictures as they say, pictures paint a thousand words.

Ribbit looking all so serious on her first lap of run. Just beside her is Veron.

Me only a pretty lonely first DU.

Limping out of the bike transition

Returning after my bike loop. Note that I now only have one water bottle. Thanks to my stupidity, I opted not to wear bike gloves during this race resulting in my hands getting completely numbed from all the vibrations on the handlebar. I dropped my water bottle not too long after the U-turn. I decided not to go after it. But hey, I actually have the fastest T2 time in the sprint results! 51 seconds. Hahaha...

Thanks to Lie Wei, her sis and her parents who drove almost 90km from Taiping to watch crazy people run and cycle in the heat!

We look happy with our tiny finisher's medals. Full DU folks get a much bigger and nicer one!

With our dear friend, Saya.

Messing around with Lynn after the race.
Hopefully next year we will both be fit enough and injury free to attempt the full race distance. I'll definitely DU it again!


Sweet Weekend @ Awana, Genting Highlands - MuD MuD *heart*

Due to my injuries ( knee and ankle ) I had not been training at all. I thought it was around 5 months, until I saw the date on my x-tray envelope dated 18 April 2009. So its already 6 months..SUCKS! I think I tried most of the treatment to treat my knee and ankle, you name it , I might most probably had it on my list of treatments. Since after KL Marathon, I stopped running completely until last week when I tried running on treadmill for 2km. I nearly passed out! My knee and ankle still felt uncomfortable if I go on fast on treadmill. I tried to reduce the speed the next day, managed to increase to around 5km. So sad!.. I'm trying not to get frustrated on how to get back the mileage but rather how to heal my injuries completely!

Anyway cut it short, I decided not to participate for Awana Genting Trialblazer prior to last weekend, after getting lectures again and again ( especially from my ex-running partner..we are separated between states now :)) Honestly the lecturing was worst than the lecturing from my mum! *bluek*. Actually I decided not to go up to Awana as well, because its always heartbreak to see people doing the event you like and not able to participate in the fun. After much persuasion ( okay I am lame ) and decided not to burnt the hotel room ( it comes with the race package we bought ) , I finally decided to go. Chin came down 2 days earlier as she wanted to get consultation from the Family Podiatrist for her knee prob as well. On Saturday morning, we drove over to Ming's house to meet her and Saya. She was kind enough to fetch Chin and myself up to Awana. THaNKs! At around 11am, Ming, Saya , Chin and myself departed from Puchong. Ming brought us to Ampang for yong tau foo. I think the shop was called Restaurant Foong Foong. The road was sooooo jam! I think its my first time to go to that area as well! Love the food! Slurp! Thanks again Ming! After filling up our tummy, Awana here we come. At this point, I'm still very determine that I am still not participating in the event.

With the crazy traffic flow in Ampang, we finally reached Awana at around 2pm. We registered and collected our event package but still couldn't go to our hotel room because they only allow us to collect the keys at 3pm. So we mingle around the hotel till 3pm.

Checking out the place....

Went back to the registration area to pick up our keys at 3pm. Saw Bee, Keat Seong and Jenn there.

Getting the keys....

Checking out the view from the hotel room
We rested for a bit before going down for the race briefing which we thought was at 4pm. Meet up with Lyn Holden and Debbie ( both from Penang ). Mingled around and waited till briefing at 5pm. Saw some familiar faces.

Lyn and Debbie ( L to R )

The crazy bunch of ppl ( ultraman, ironladies, marathoner..superman?:P )

The briefing ended around 6pm , most of us decided to check out the obstacles, despite the rain, we stil went. Thanks to Bee and Jenn for providing the umbrellas ( but we were still wet after that...ahahha.. ). The Mud DeViL might had went into my head... Opps!! ... After checking out the obsctacles, we head back to our room to bath and get ready for dinner. * Decision ...*Decision...
At dinnerrrrrrrr..... yet another DeViL...look at the dessert!

Food!! Food!
Ate too much that night!! Guilty!! 2 Devils had finally gotten into me! Next day..Decided to go for the event Told myself to take it easy and be-care-fool! ( don't be a FoOl :) ...So the adventure begins.....


In sequence....B004, B003, B002

Event flag off at 8.30am....I was in a bundle of nerve and I knew Chin as well and I think she was worried for me as well.. ( Stubborn LyNn) I don't want to walk over...no way to walk over in the middle of the forest! Tried to go slow...go SloWww...SssssLlooww....Both of us keep checked of each other all the way..Tried to encourage each other as well. I seldom talk in runs...because I have no energy left in me.. ( lousy mar ) but I tried to make it a point I do it this time...Due to my knee injury I used my butt to go down most of the slopes! ..ahhah...So I ended up with bruises and scratches on my butt..OuCh! ...
After nearly 1 hr 45 mins ..finally came out from the trail. AliVE!! Wee!! hahaha .. I didn't realize it was going to over soon. Obstacles here we come... San and Ming screaming gave us boost to go..Decided to press the turbo power... Ran throw the MuD...SPLOOSHeD!! Jumped into the pool of mud water..I thinked the pool of mud were mostly chest high level. Nearly felt like puking! ahhah ... My specs nearly came off..after the 3rd obstacles, decided to throw my specs at the side... its better than losing them in the water of mud water. Knocked my knees on the climbing obstacles...all that went through my mind was to finish it...FINALLY...came to the end...commando crawl...there is where my right calf cramp!! Grr....Managed to complete the crawl ..both of us ran to the end! Came in 4th position under the Women Championship category with the time of 2:05 I think ( not a good time ) but anyway am glad to finish it...


move...move....buffaloes coming :)

We are home! Wee....!

Most of the THG ppl came in with podium finished as well including Lyn and Debbie clinching the champion for the Adventure Category for Womens...Congratttttttttttttts everyone!!

can't jump too high..leg still cramp!

All of us with our prize. I would rather have throphies than the PLANT!

Congrats to Ming and San ( 2nd ) and Lydia and Jenn ( 5th ) ..THG Poweeerrrrrrrr!! ..SuperGirls!
Look at my flabby arms! ( vain pot! )

Finally it was time to bid farewell.. :(..I had so much fun. Chin followed Debbie and Lyn back to Penang, while I followed Ming and San back to KL. We stopped at Gohtong ( thanks to Victor for pointing out the error ..bad geography :P) to had a late lunch with the other THG people.

Thanks Chin for allowing me to do the race...( I know you're not willing :P )
*THG stands for Team Hyper-Gila
*Thanks to Tey and Raymond Ng for the lovely pics! You guys are awesome!

I *heart* Snuffles


I am Ms Grumpee...


It's Friday


Website New Look

Decide to give our blog a new layout since I have some spare time to kill. Haven't been able to train much ( nearly 5 months and still counting to recover ) and work had been very slow this few weeks. This leave me feeling very grumpeeeee! Instead of channeling it to people decided to occupy myself with something.  Had received quite a number of feedbacks from friends stating of confusion on whom is actually writting the posting, so I decided that moving forward , we will include an icon on every posting.

That would represent Ribbit ...thats me!! The grumpee one...

That would represent Tweet...thats Chin Chin :)

Decided to take out the Tweet n Ribbit header for the moment.Will crunch my brain to come up with a new one soon...hopefully....

Congratulations GTS!

I want to post a special tribute to my friend, Teng Sun who completed his maiden marathon. Teng Sun's first marathon bring back lots of memories for me as he ran Portland Marathon. It was also my first marathon in October 2006.
Here are some pics that his wife, Li Yen shared with our group of friends.

Looking happy which is great! I don't recall looking this happy when I ran it.

The classic Portland Marathon Finisher's T

I went through some pretty old photos and found some photos of me during my first marathon.

Finally, I cross the finishing line after hitting "The Wall" at around 30km.

Wrapped with a thermal blanket as it is 16C out there!

Talking to my friends who came support me. Great to see familiar faces on the course.

The only photo I have with my medal and Finisher's T. I was sure sulking about something!
